Newsletter: February 2023

Newsletter: February 2023

February 2023 Newsletter

Second Edition

Thank you for visiting and joining us for Bota-Nanny’s 4th season! With spring in the forecast,the planting itch is really warming up! This winter has been warm and very manageable, it will be interesting to see what spring will bring. The time flies by, and this winter has been no exception! Here's to the 2023 season! This is bound to be the best season yet!

Bota-Nanny 2022 Season

We have been expanding our tool belt with  new designs for raised beds, pollinator gardens, and pollinator hotels.We are incorporating compost systems too! I know that these additions are perfectly aligned with the Bota-Nanny Mission, to plant more successful harvests of food, to instill confidence in growing one's own food, and to better  the soil, one yard at a time. What can we get growing for you?

Introducing Bota-Nanny Hexagon Beds!

Gardens by Bota-Nanny 

Y'all asked for something unique and here are the results! The sizes are versatile and the shape is appealing. I love how the beds, when used together, can mimic the delightful design of the bees honeycomb. All plants are accessible from each side of the hexagon.

This shape is ideal for herb gardens, flower gardens, tea gardens, and salsa gardens. Don't let these suggestions limit your imagination! What will you grow in a Bota-Nanny hexagon?

Pollinators Welcome! Encouraged!

Pollinators need a place to eat to do their job successfully. The more access to food they have, the better productions you’ll see from your veggie garden! What a beautiful splash of color success was grown in hopes of bringing all the bees to the yard. We were thrilled to see the flowers not only performing so well, but also performing full season and inviting all sorts of beautiful winged pollinators to the table. We just had to build them winter homes as well! All are welcome here.

Below is a sequence of progress from start to finish of one of my favorite pollinator safe havens. The Rainbow Garden, where food meets beauty.

Bota-Nanny Berry Patch!

The 2022 season brought a fair share of blank slates that we were so happy to design, build, and fill with FOOD! This delightful corner garden is now home to a blueberry trio,  raspberry canes, and a hexagon strawberry bed in the center. Welcome to your new home Berries! May you sweetly thrive.

Garden by Bota-Nanny September 2022

Bota-Nanny Grows Food!

You've seen our beds, Now let's see some results! Bota-Nanny will help establish your growing space, and we’re as available as you desire! We tend it, harvest it and clean up after the season. There are no limits to what you can grow. Grow with us!

Bota-Nanny 2023 Season is Accepting Orders

Thank you for sticking around for this update! There are families awaiting their plans for the 2023 season now. I'm wrapping those up, and they’ll be on the way to your inbox! What an exciting time of year!

I hope you feel comfortable contacting us with your concerns and questions. We are here to take the guesswork out of gardening one's own vegetables. We want to hold onto that. Your confidence in vegetable gardening is our goal!

No matter your gardening experience, your thumb can be green. The options are endless….

Above: Before Bota-Nanny, Below: After Bota-Nanny

Bota-Nanny is at your service,

Rooting for you every step of the way!

In Humble Gratitude,
Thank you for having us.

See you soon!
Claudia Capuano, Bota-Nanny Owner


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