Newsletter: February 2022
Bota-Nanny Newsletter
February 2022 Issue: First Edition
Garden By Bota-Nanny Featuring Teammate Lexy 2021
We have had a stunning whirlwind of a season. I feel like it should still be the beginning of summer, even though a mild fall has turned into 10+ inches of the fluffiest snow.
The Bota-Nanny Story
Bota-Nanny was begun in the spring of 2020 as an impromptu endeavor to deliver as many raised beds as possible. We wanted to encourage hope, gardening skills, and a meditative safe space to our pandemic-stricken landscape. My fellow restaurateurs and I started making a great many raised beds in a standard size, installing them in backyards, filling them with soil, and planting and tending the in-season vegetables. We loved getting together on the weekends and building the week's ordered raised beds for delivery.
On average we would make 15-20 beds for the week. We installed over 200 beds in 2020 from March to December. There were 7 of us on rotation to load soil and deliver beds. It was motivating to witness the dedication of my teammates and awe inspiring to tend vegetables in over 30 regular residences! I adore new perspectives and ideas that come from a chat with any level of gardener.
Yes, gardening comes with a touch of hesitancy, but plants want to grow. The results of the garden beds were undeniable. With time, we will only better learn the nuances of cultivating our favorite vegetables right at home. You'll amaze you, they'll amaze you. The fruits of your labor taste great, they are nutrient dense, and the satisfaction associated with growing one's own food is unequivocal.
Bota-Nanny Garden Featuring the planting to harvest of one raised garden bed.
2021: What a Year
The 2021 season surprised the Bota-Nanny team with the sheer changes that took place from the opening year of 2020. Our team numbers ebb and flow as Covid-19 changes continued to evolve. I want to note that we are so grateful for our then team and our now team. Y'all will always be part of the Bota-Nanny team. .
In the year 2021, we were prepared to make raised beds en masse again, yet the route would shift. We instead focussed on customizing backyard garden prototypes. Our modified offerings can often be adapted to your needs. These prototypes are helping us move forward in creating dream homes for our favorite fruits and vegetables. We believe this will help us be able to produce more versatile backyard garden setups more efficiently. Thank you as you have been so integral on our prototype journey.
Bota-Nanny customized Garden featuring the elevated raised bed
Below: Bota-Nanny Garden Start-Finish Cobblestone Garden Patio
We even created a hinged, season-extending growing cover. Be on the lookout for this cozy topper that will extend your growing season extra long in the fall, and start your season extra early in the spring. “Charlotte’s Winter Cap” will be offered on the winter 2022 Bota-Nanny menu.
I’m humbled by moments like when this young, soon-to-be 5 or 6 year old gardener says “cabbage is my favorite vegetable!” With enthusiasm, he raised himself 3 beautiful cabbages this season. The delayed gratification of growing cabbage is not for the faint of heart! I loved it when I heard him say “Dad, can we have Kohlrabi in our stir fry tonight?” It is questions like this that will forever motivate me to continue cultivating healthy food by encouraging healthy soil. For life!

2022 Season
I hope you feel comfortable contacting us with your concerns and questions. We are here to take the guesswork out of gardening one's own vegetables. We want to hold onto that. Your confidence in vegetable gardening is our goal!
No matter your gardening experience, your thumb can be green. The options are endless….
Bota-Nanny is at your service, rooting for you every step of the way!
Will someone tell my Tomato it's February?
See you soon,